Hello! This is me...

Hi. I am Gwenda. I have started this blog because I am bored (surprise surprise) and I have always thought blogging was cool.

So for introductions. No I'll try not to make this a long and boring speech if that's where your mind went. (Don't worry, I know we've all suffered from those enough already).

My name is Gwenda Bauman. I am 14 years old, turning 15 this June. I am thought of as an extrovert which I suppose I am. I do like my "me" times too though. My favorite colour is olive green. My favorite book is.....please dont pressure me with that question. There are far too many good books in this world to pick put one as being THE BEST. My favorite food is pasta. There is a problem with that though. Every time I go out to eat I want to order pasta but it always comes in these HUGE bowls and I always get sick of it by the end and start eating off my siblings plates. But I never learn. I always order pasta again the next time we eat out. Anyone else have that problem? No? Just me? Ok....

All right that was a bunny trail. I promise I'll TRY not to do that too often.

Some hobbies I have are: music, photography, art, and writing. But only when I am in the mood NOT when I am forced to.

This blog will be me just rambling about life. Sometimes I just need to let loose some emotions before I explode trying to hold them all in. I have a lot of mixed up feelings right now because of the....you guessed it....CORONAVIRUS. Since I am an extrovert not seeing anybody for TWO months is something I CANNOT  handle! Especially my friends..... Facetime and video calls does not compare with talking to them in real life.

Okay. Hopefully you have a bit of a picture of who I am. I know I said I would try not to make this a long and boring introductory speech but I think I have. I truly am sorry.
Until next time (and hopefully that will be soon but I won't promise), Gwenda


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