Bored No More

Hey. Are you bored? I am still in quarantine so I am EXTREMELY bored.
So I came up with a list of THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU ARE BORED. (Shoutout to my friend Natalia for giving me some of these awesome ideas. Go check out her amazing blog at

1) Photoshoot. This can be with a sibling (if they let you), or yourself on the timer mode. (Okay I realize that may not be the most practical but hey, whatever works!)

2) Create something. There are many DIY videos on YouTube that you can check out. Paint a rock with an inspiring quote on it to put by a trail to bless someone, make something awesome for your bedroom, whatever🤷‍♀️

3) Attempt a physical exercise. A cartwheel, the splits, a handstand, etc. Just please dont harm yourself while trying any of these. Please.

4) Bless someone by doing anything. It could be a card, a phone call, an email, or a letter (isn't it always such fun to see you have mail?) Maybe you could make supper or bake cookies for someone. You can do anything you desire. 

5) Draw a blue print for your dream room. Use your imagination and go wild. Hanging swings, floor length mirror, plants galore, anything you want. 

6) Build a fort. I did this back in March and it turned out so cozy! 
It was in my bedroom that has slanting walls so all I had to do was hang a blanket, add a few accessories, and voila!

See if you can get rid of boredom for at least a day or two. If this didnt help then I am sorry you may stay bored. And if you dont have to quarantine anymore than awesome for you and hopefully I'll get there too.

Next time!


  1. This is awesome. I love the idea of drawing the blueprints for a dream bedroom. I'm super obsessed with interior design right now. Good post.👌

    1. Glad you guys like it!! And I also LOVE interior design. That's probably how the idea popped into my head🤷‍♀️😄


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