Birthday Bonus

Hey so today is my birthday and I thought I might share a few random facts about me.
1. My birthday is June 8, 2005.

2. I am 15. (I almost put down 14 there until I realized that I'm actually not that young anymore.)

3. I do not like coffee. I have tried to like coffee. I've forced myself to drink it even though my tastebuds were repelling it extremely. I still cannot like it no matter how hard I try.

4. I am a craftsy person, but I like coming up with my own ideas. I do NOT like when I HAVE to do something when I'm not in the mood. Then it is no fun.

5. I have an attic bedroom  which I LOVE. It has many problems (bugs, scorching heat in the summer, freezing cold in the winter, have to run up 2 flights of stairs to get to it), but I still love it. It's my cozy, private haven. I am trying to keep the color theme black, white, and gold with a touch of dusty rose/blush. I actually don't care if it's not perfectly colored right. It's more homey if its not.  

6. I like photography. Oh my, I'm so basic. Literally EVERYONE says that. But oh well. I do too.

7. I am a bookworm. Majorly. Every night before I fall asleep I HAVE to read at least one chapter. And because of this...

8. I am a night owl. If I could live life profitably by going to bed at 2 AM and getting up at 11 AM, I would. But, because I can't, I usually try to have  lights out by 12 (or later if it's a Friday). The latest I've stayed up reading was until 2:30. And yes I was a HUGE grump the next day.

9. I love school. Mostly because that's where I get to see my friends, but I love the work too. And the comfortable routine of school (except getting up at 7:00 of course.) Ok, maybe I'm a nerd, loving books and school so much. Idk. *shrugs*

10. I am not a huge fan of animals. I have no pets, but if I would I would get a puppy. Dogs are my favorite animals, but I dont obsess over them. I like horse riding although I could live without it I suppose.

11. I love classics. Movies, books, everything is so much cooler when it's a classic. The fancy ballgowns and suits, huge, splendous houses with so many rooms, and the wonderful sprawling gardens. Oh. Lovely.

12. I am a very indecisive human. But I have finally decided to stop rambling and publish this post.



  1. Replies

    1. Oh and Btw, I tagged you on my blog again. (different tag though:) )

  2. It was so much fun to read this. Seven and eight, YES. SAME. And also thing about classic books and movies, I one hundred percent agree. Sorry this is so late. I'm not sure why I didn't get notified.


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